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Halted Processing Plant Results in Chinese Uranium Supply Crisis

The abrupt cancellation of a $6.5 billion uranium processing project in southern China has left Beijing with a headache as it tries to secure the fuel required to sustain an ambitious nuclear reactor building programme. China has been buying stakes in uranium mines in Asia and Africa, but without the capacity to enrich and process the ore it will still be dependent on foreign firms to turn it into useable f ...

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South Korea to Restart Two Nuclear Reactors, Easing Power Fears

South Korea will restart two nuclear reactors this week after the completion of regularly scheduled maintenance, the nuclear regulator and operator said on Thursday, easing fears of power shortages in the hot Korean summer. Of the country's total 23 nuclear reactors, six reactors will remain offline, including three units halted after parts were supplied using fake certificates in May. This week's restart m ...

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CNNC Bows to Public Pressure and Cancels Nuclear Plant

The mainland city of Heshan has announced the sudden termination of a controversial plan to build a nuclear fuel processing plant. After public discontent extended from the internet to the street, around 1,000 residents united in protest against the project on the grounds of safety and environmental concerns. Early last Saturday morning, one night after the first public protest against the project, the loca ...

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Floating Russian Nuclear Plants? Not So Mad, Actually!

Russia plant to bring online a floating nuclear power plant in just three years. The nuclear power station will provide energy, heat and drinking water to relatively inaccessible areas of Russia. The ship called Akademik Lomonosov  is planned to be the first of a small fleet of floating power stations. As well as powering cities with up to 200,000 people, the plant can also provide 240,000 cubic metres of f ...

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China Launches Nuclear Power Pricing System

China has announced a new nuclear power pricing system that features a national benchmark price, which will make the industry more market-oriented and promote technological innovation and cost controls. The National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, has informed all provincial governments, nuclear power generation companies and grid operators of the benchmark price for electricity ...

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Japan Takes Steps to Reopen Reactors

Japan on Monday reopened procedures to allow idled reactors to be brought back online, putting in place new nuclear regulations that reflect the lessons learned from the 2011 Fukushima No. 1 meltdown disaster. While power utilities are expected to rush to file applications with the Nuclear Regulation Authority for safety assessments on a total of 10 reactors, none will be restarted anytime soon, because it ...

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Bangladesh Needs Smaller and Safer Nuclear Plants

Bangladesh is a country technologically undeveloped. We are not aware of ways to contain nuclear radiation from a conventional U236 nuclear power plant we propose to buy from Russia and install it at Rooppur. Russia itself is the most unsafe nuclear power country in the world. This is a bitter truth irrespective of any opinions and convincing statements to the contrary. We must not make the people of Bangla ...

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Delayed Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project to Come Online Soon

The much-delayed Kudankulam nuclear power project will become operational soon, India's principal scientific adviser said on Saturday. "The decision will come anytime now. Reactor is a safe reactor... no question about it... it is designed with safety features. It depends on the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) to examine the test results and decide," R Chidambaram told reporters on the sidelines of th ...

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The New Issue of Power Insider is Out Now!

The new issue of Power Insider Asia is out now! And it has a brand new look! This issue focusses on China and Thailand and has a fantastically fresh new image. Highlights include overviews of China’s coal market and mini-hydro projects in Thailand, a roundtable with Shanghai Electric, Harbin and Jiangsu, tons of content on fuel cell development, as well as contributions from Trina Solar, KEPCO, ITRON, PUB, ...

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KEPCO Set to Bid for Uranium Firm Urenco

South Korea's Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO) plans to form a consortium to bid for European nuclear fuel producer Urenco. The Netherlands is willing to sell its 33 per cent stake in Urenco, which is also owned by British and German utilities E.ON AG and RWE AG. The three countries are in complicated talks about selling a stake in the security-sensitive uranium enrichment firm. KEPCO is seeking to form a ...

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