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About pimagazine asia

Energy security and sustainable development have moved up the global agenda. There are two main reasons for this; first, the impact of high and volatile energy prices; second, concerns over environmental sustainability & particularly about the global climate. Both issues are critically important for Asia and the Pacific-a region in which impressive economic growth has boosted the demand for energy and put huge strains on the surrounding environment.

To pursue energy security, the countries of the region will want to ensure that energy supplies are available, sufficient, affordable and sustainable.
At the same time they will need to consider the ecological and social implications. Throughout the region a staggering 1.7 Billion people still rely heavily on Biomass for cooking and heating, but shockingly, almost 1 Billion people still have no access to electricity.

Governments throughout the region are exploring new opportunities from coal and gas to renewable and nuclear to encourage more inward investment from international companies. Over $344 Billion is required over the next 7 years if Asia is to reach its demand for energy at current rates, but with industry growth and population growth, these figures are seen as relatively reserved.

It is clear that energy, more than any other single issue holds the key to future economic development in Asia and the Pacific. Oil and Gas prices are already higher than forecast in the current climate and are only set to increase as supplies dwindle. This has magnified the already enormous impact that energy has on social, economic and environmental sustainability in a region well known for wasting energy through inefficient use.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Solar PV, Wind, Hybrid systems, Nuclear, Hydro, Cogeneration, Transmission and Distribution, are all areas in which huge development initiatives are being placed. However huge education and information is required in each area.

Power Insider Asia is the most effective way of reaching decision makers throughout the Asian Power markets. Power Insider Asia is the only title dedicated to the Power and Energy sector written by the region and including content by world leading experts.

Each edition carries a different regional focus and we cover all topics relevant to the region at the present time.

Power Insider Asia reaches the gap in the market many companies are looking for when it comes to reaching Asia’s vast audience, contact our team to gain a thorough understanding of upcoming editions and content features.