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The Electric Vehicle Revolution isn’t quite what is seems

The Electric Vehicle Revolution

In 1913, Henry Ford was able to offer motor cars at a cost effective price and mass produce them for everyone. This enable people to travel quicker, further and cheaper.

Bye bye horsey!

At the time, there was no shortage of oil, petrol was cheap so at the time it was a no brainer. Even back then, Thomas Parker who was responsible for electrifying the London Underground made the first electric car in 1882, which was improved upon by a German called Andreas Flocken around 1888. So electric vehicles have been around before even the first production motor cars. 

As the World has changed, populations have increased exponentially, now we are told, fossil fuels are bad, we don’t have enough, it’s not sustainable. This is true in most instances, but many countries are banning the production of the petrol/diesel motor vehicles, because they are so very evil and bad and are going to kill us all. I shed a tear!

For the record, I don’t hate electric vehicles or anyone that drives them, if that’s what you want, then you do you. I truly hope it doesn’t explode in a ball of flames and burn constantly for 3 days! As has and is happening all over the globe. 

So I thought I would do a quick article on the environmental implications of lithium mining for batteries used in electric vehicles. Lithium if you didn’t know, is a key component in the batteries that power electric cars, and while EVs are great for reducing emissions, the process of mining lithium has a significant impact on the environment. It takes around 500,000 gallons of water to mine a metric ton of lithium. That’s a lot of water! For perspective, to store 100,000 gallons, you would need a tank with a 40ft diameter which was 10ft high. Thirsty much?

So Let’s take a closer look. Lithium is primarily found in salt flats or brine pools, and the extraction process involves pumping water into these pools and evaporating it to extract the lithium. However, this can have severe consequences for local ecosystems and communities. 

Firstly, the excessive pumping of water can deplete water resources, which can be particularly problematic in arid regions. Australia is the biggest producer, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina have the most in the ground, followed by China. The thing for me in this green revolution is the extraction process, it can lead to the contamination of groundwater and soil, which can harm plants, animals, and humans who depend on these resources. 

Granted in Australia the lithium is mined from ore, but elsewhere it’s extracted from brine pools, which are the issue, or for me at least. 

Thing is, is the mining of lithium can result in the destruction of habitat for wildlife and threaten biodiversity. And let’s not forget about the carbon footprint of transporting and processing the lithium ore.

Apparently there is some good news! Efforts are being made to address these concerns. For instance, some companies are working on developing more sustainable and efficient methods for extracting lithium. Furthermore, recycling lithium batteries at the end of their life cycle can reduce the need for new mining.

Yaay I think?

Our governments are doing their best to convince us that At the end of the day, the transition to electric vehicles is a necessary step towards a more sustainable future, but is it? I think people need to be more aware of the environmental implications of the entire supply chain.

So, next time you hop into your electric car, take a moment to appreciate the benefits it brings but also consider the environmental costs of its production. As you enjoy your chocolattemochachinofrappe, and adjust your bamboo underpants, and stare judgingly at ‘Supercar Steve in his Lambo’ just remember that the 2 of you aren’t to far apart! 

Thank you for reading, and until next time, remember: lithium may be light, but its environmental impact is heavy, buy a V12 whilst you still can !!

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