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Smart Grid: Asia Forum to Take Place in Hong Kong

A forum to discuss future strategies for the planning, optimization and delivery of Smart Grid projects in the Asia-Pacific region will be held in Hong Kong in 2013.

The forum will bring together the APAC region’s foremost smart grid experts to debate and explore the core fundamentals needed to develop smart grid pilot projects through to national and city-level projects. This event will be a must-attend for utilities, service providers, and others organizations within the region seeking to develop both existing smart grid projects as well as coherent strategies to implement them.

Focusing on a series of country case studies, cross-regional panel debates and round table discussions, the conference will diverge from existing industry events by assessing not only the existing projects in the region but will also analyze the commercial and technical challenges / strategies for implementation.

Forum Highlights include discovering the latest technologies and roll-out strategies for smart grids, learn how to develop smart grid projects based on real life case studies, and hear from eminent experts from across the region, including:

  • Anish Garg, Joint Director (Performance Standards & Engineering), Delhi Electricity Regulator Commission India
  • Arunabha Basu, Head of Technology, TATA Power Delhi Distribution Ltd
  • Ronald D. Concepcion, Litigation and Regulatory Division, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines
  • Reji Kumar, President, India Smart Grids Forum
  • Senior Representative, CLP Power Hong Kong
  • Dr. Mohan Kohle, Director of Programmes, Energy & Resources, University College London


Key Topics Include:

1. Developing strategies to advance smart grids and overcome implementation challenges.

2. Assessing the commercial, environmental, and technical benefits of transfer to smart grids.

3. Making the business case for smart grids.

4. Integrating a diverse range of generation assets – conventional to renewable.

5. Future demand and power pricing projections – cost – benefit analysis.

6. Overcoming the technical issues of implementation.

7. Country case studies and regulator / utility panels.

8. Physical and cyber smart grid security.

9. Retraining the workforce from traditional to ‘smart’ utility models.

10. Australian & Korean pilot project case studies.

11. Funding smart grid projects and continued investment to ensure future optimization.

12. Modernizing grid infrastructure to adopt smart grid technology.

13. Using smart grids to ‘smooth’ the base and peak load generation gap to mitigate power outages.

14. Policy and regulatory development.

15. Optimizing the performance of existing generation assets to support.

16. Out of region case studies – US and Europe.

For more information on sponsorship, delegates and how to submit a paper see the website: www.smartgrids-asia.com

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