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Nuclear Information Technology Forum 2013 Concluded with Great Success


Nuclear Information Technology (China) Forum 2013 successfully ended up at Aug. 9th in Shanghai Marriot. More than 210 nuclear IT experts in and abroad joined in this international nuclear IT conference.

Focused on the development plan of nuclear IT industry, latest R&D progress of nuclear self-reliance software and valuable experience exchange of leading nuclear companies’ information technology development, NITF 2013 won a great reputation from the delegates. According to the evaluation from the participants, nearly 90% gave a high remark on this conference based on the representative and attractive topics, networking opportunities, excellent venue facilities and even the professional simultaneous translation service. The data also shows that 88% delegates would like to join NITF next year, among which of 77% would like to be delegates again, 10% to be sponsors.

“NITF is a very significant and meaningful forum to accelerate the effective development of China’s nuclear power industry in a more secure manner! Professional and efficient organized by INNCH International, NITF turned out to be a great success! “ Said Mr. Yican WU, the director of Institute of Nuclear Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Science. Mr. Wu also acted as one of the chairpersons of NITF, the other two chairpersons are Mr. Xinmin XIAO, the secretary general from information technology professional committee of CNEA and Ms. Taghrid ATIEH, head of INIS in IAEA.

As a leading nuclear IT conference, NITF won a lot of support from diversified sponsors, such as associate sponsors like IBM, EMC, OSIsoft, presentation sponsors like Oracle, CRD,Digitaltest, Authine, Koal software, ActionSoft, exhibitors like Atos, Yonyou and cocktail sponsor Vamtoo.

“NITF is an excellent and professional forum! Sincerely, I hope it will continue to hold in the future!” Mr. Qiang LIAO said after the conference who is currently the general manager of information intelligence business unit in EMC.

Under such an overwhelming expectation, NITF will start up again on April, 2014. As one of the organizers of this event, INNCH International is now on introducing investment process. According to an expert of this forum, NITF 2014 will focus on the case study of NPP information technology system in China, US, France, Korea and other countries with a nuclear booming market, introduction of integrated system in nuclear power industry and latest R&D progress of nuclear project management system. What’s more, NITF 2014 will set up more parallel sessions to discuss different nuclear power information system and the total delegate amount will reach 250 next year!

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