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Nordex Group receives orders of 1,534 megawatts in the second quarter of 2021

The Nordex Group has closed the second quarter of 2021 with an order intake of 1,534.1 MW (Q2 2020: 888 MW). The intake of firm orders in the Projects segment (excluding the service business) reached a volume of 2,781.6 MW in the first half of 2021 (H1 2020: 2,531.9 MW).

From April to June 2021, customers ordered a total of 297 wind turbines for projects in nine countries. Europe accounted for about 54 percent of the order intake in the second quarter, Latin America about 46 percent. The strongest individual markets in Europe were Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, with regard to Latin America two high-volume orders came from Brazil.

On the product side, new business in the second quarter again largely focussed on the various turbine types of the Delta4000 series with around 89 percent of the total order intake (in MW). In the first half of 2021, the share was around 82 percent overall (H1 2020: 79 percent).

With 170 turbines and a total output of 969 MW, more than 63 percent of the firm new orders are accounted for by the latest N163/5.X turbine model of the Delta4000 series alone. For major projects in Brazil and Finland with a total of 958 MW, customers have ordered this turbine variant with its 163-meter rotor diameter and more than 5 MW of installed nominal capacity.

“The further increase in the share of our Delta4000 series in order intake reflects the strong demand for high-efficient turbines in the 4MW+ and 5MW+ segments worldwide. With the existing highly flexible six turbine variants of this platform, the Nordex Group is very well positioned to continue to benefit from this global trend. The currently ongoing rights issue of around EUR 585 million and new guarantee facilities by EUR 171 million further strengthens this position,” says José Luis Blanco, CEO of the Nordex Group.

The Nordex Group – a profile
The Group has installed more than 33 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2020 generated revenues of EUR 4.6 billion. The company currently employs a workforce of approx. 8,500. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 4 to 5.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements of countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.

Contact person for press inquiries:
Nordex SE
Felix Losada
Phone: +49 (0)40 / 300 30 – 1141

Contact for investors:
Nordex SE
Felix Zander
Phone: +49 (0)40 / 300 30 – 1116

Rolf Becker
Phone: +49 (0)40 / 300 30 – 1892

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