Gandak Hydropower Grinds to a Halt after India Stops Gandak Canal

After the Indian side stopped the operation of West Gandak Canal, electricity production from the Gandak Hydropower Centre of Suryapura in Nawalparasi district has come to a halt. As per the Gandak Agreement, the water supply in the West Gandak Canal is stopped only for two months (March 25- April 25, and Oct 30-Nov 30) in a year. But, the Indian side has obstructed water supply to the canal till date, afflicting the Nepali people.
Chief at the Hydropower Centre, Shyam Kumar Sharma said as per the agreement, India had to let the water in from April 25, but it did not. After the disruption of the production, it has curtailed 4MW electricity to the national transmission line.
Mr Sharma said although the concerned government body including the district administration office, Nawalparasi was apprised of this, the problem is yet to be resolved.