CTC increases line capacity
Earlier this month CTC Global’s CEO, Mr. J.D. Sitton, was invited to speak at the 2016 T&D conclave “Elecrama” in Bangalore, India. Mr. Sitton explained to the delegates the importance of leveraging modern conductor technology to increase line capacity and reduce line losses. Using a 33 kV example with an existing 105 mm^2 ACSR “Dog” conductor, Mr. Sitton showed how replacing it with high-capacity composite core conductor had the potential to reduce line losses by as much as 37%, while doubling capacity.
The line loss reduction in his 100 km example equated to a savings of over 38,000 MWh per year (>$1.9 million dollars). In addition to delivering more power to more people using this straight forward reconductoring technique, Mr. Sitton also demonstrated how line loss reductions also frees up generation capacity that is otherwise wasted supporting line losses. In the coming months, Mr. Sitton and other industry experts will be presenting a white paper to India’s Ministry of Power. We will be sure to provide a link to that report when its becomes available.