Changing the Energy Game through Hacking?
As the focus is shifting from hardware to software and the digital potential is explored to provide energy solutions such as in case of blockchain, demand side management, IoT and smart grids, GIZ, a state-owned company supporting the German government in reaching its sustainable development goals, has come together with CalCEF/New Energy Nexus, TechGrind, CU Innovation Hub, and KX, to launch the Smart Energy Hackathon Southeast Asia.
The Bangkok-based software developing competition will not only identify talents and bring new digital technology innovations to solve current energy challenges, but also be a starting point for a larger support program aiming to create a smart energy software ecosystem in Southeast Asia.
With the goal to raise awareness of software potential for smart energy solutions in Southeast Asia, the competition will feature prize money of $ 10,000 and be open for hardcore coders, startups, coders, software designers, data scientists, and energy professionals, who will have an opportunity to cooperate with experts in different fields providing mentorship throughout the event.
The application forms must be submitted prior to August 13, 2017.