Alstom T&D India today said it has bagged an order worth Rs 54.4 crore for supplying equipment to Bihar State Power Transmission Company. ”Alstom T&D India has secured Rs 54.4 crore turnkey contract from Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited,” the company said in a statement. The state government of Bihar plans to add a number of new voltage level substations at various locations in the state in near future. In this context, the substation at Bihta is important as it is the first in the series in energy expansion plan of the state, the statement said. The scope of this turnkey contract covers design, engineering, manufacture, supply, testing, erection and commissioning of (air-insulated switchgear) AIS substation including supply of transformers, it said. In addition to this, all major equipment like circuit breakers, instruments transformers and control and protection system will be manufactured in Alstom T&D India’s manufacturing facilities spread across the country.
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